It's not easy to say you want to serve God full-time when you know you have a family and children that depends on you financially. Even more so than now, knowing that my parents is loaning me their entire life's savings to get a house. Causes so much anxiety whenever I think about it. Even their friends are worried that they'll end up with nothing and no one to care for them. And I don't blame them, looking how this world has become, the only one you can trust is Jesus Christ. So all their friends from their church asked that they sign a contract with me saying that the money is a loan and that I'll be paying them back monthly. It's definitely a good idea for their peace of mind. They should be enjoying their time with their grand children now, not worried about whether they have a place to stay or be taken care of.
So now it comes to the question of whether I should give up the idea of serving God full-time and just go join the work force or should I persevere until there's a breakthrough. Should I have a backup plan and put my trust in 'certainty' than in the 'uncertain'? In fact I went ahead to apply for a job with the government as a Transit Officer. After doing that, I kinda sat back and was asking myself why? I was justifying to myself that it's the most logical thing to do and God can still use me in other ways. Now ... the biggest question is "IS THAT WHAT GOD REALLY WANTS ME TO DO?" Where's a prophet when you need one huh? :P
Anyways, I've got no idea at the moment ... So your prayers will be most appreciated. I've never felt so strongly about serving God as I've been now. But I've never had people dumping their entire life's savings on me either ... hahaha. Btw, just incase ya have not heard, we bought a beautiful house with 5 bedrooms and my parents will be living with me. Praise the Lord!
And that's what brought about me recording this worship song I wrote years back. I totally forgotten about it until lately. Just want to put my trust in God and for Him to speak to me. Do continue to pray and ask God what He wants to tell me and leave a comment. Don't worry, I won't hold ya responsible for my demise :P But would be interesting to know what God has to say through others. God Bless y'all!
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